• Disability Access
  • Central location
  • Cared for by a family

accommodation for


Award received

Proud | Happy

'Excellent Tyrolean Company for Apprenticeships'

We are proud and are very pleased that on November 6. th we were already allowed to receive the 2nd extension of the award 'Excellent Tyrolean Company for Apprenticeships' 😊

Would you like to join our team? Then sign up at info@hotel-hochfilzer.com

Picture: Mag. Manfred Pletzer (Vizepräsident der WKO Tirol), Dr. Beate Palfrader (Landesrätin für Bildung), Kathrin Hochfilzer (Hotel Hochfilzer), Claudia Haid (Hotel Hochfilzer), KR Patrizia Zoller-Frischauf (Landesrätin für Wirtschaft) und Markus Obojes (Arbeiterkammer Tirol).