• Disability Access
  • Central location
  • Cared for by a family

accommodation for


Ellmi's Magic World on the Hartkaiser in Ellmau

Get on the "Magic Express" and reach in 7 minutes the Hartkaiser where you are then expected by a mystical fantasy world of fairies, goblins and spirits of the forest, but most of all of our magic frog "Ellmi" ...

Secret figures | Panorama restaurant

High up on the Hartkaiser in Ellmau, you can step into a magical, fairy tale world with your children. You might even meet a secret figure in the botanical garden. As you sit in the Panorama restaurant with its imposing views of the Wilder Kaiser, make sure that there are no little gnomes around - they like the good food too!

  • Botanischer Garten
  • Erlebnisstation
  • Welt voller Feen & Geister

What you can look forward to:

  • Play park - Nature path
  • Viewing tower
  • Animals
  • Elements: senses, wind and earth
  • Rübezahl path
  • Schnitzer hut
  • Botanical garden
  • Kaiser viewing point
  • Secret stone
  • The wise owl
  • Stoamandl path
  • Chapel
  • Rock garden
  • The stone shepherd
  • The tree of the lost souls
  • Photo tree

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